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About Us

Avocado Salad

Digestive wellness

Food allergies & intolerance

Healthy cooking / meal planning

Diet and Detoxification

Elimination diets

Your personal health or body goal becomes our mission as we help you find the perfect solution for your individual body.  Like many of you, How to Chow practitioners Christy Meyers and Crista Flanagan spent years trying every diet, every juice cleanse or eat-only-before 3 p.m. plan that came along.  And one thing we learned is that we never really crossed the finish line because the plans and diets were too general, created for someone else’s body.  The How to Chow method helps you find the perfect plan to eat for your individual body to maximize your health and happiness.


There is an abundance of nutrition and healthy lifestyles information in the marketplace.  We will help you narrow your focus and will guarantee that by using our body of knowledge and applying our advice, you will have nutritional solutions that work into your life.  How to Chow brings a holistic approach that goes beyond what you eat and looks further into how your lifestyle is affecting the achievement of your health goals.  We will look into factors like stress, your work environment, relationships, your exercise and activity levels and help you bring these factors into balance.  Once combined with your individualized highest nutrition program, positive results will overflow into all parts of your life.  We can’t wait to celebrate your milestones along this journey and develop strategies to maintain your successes. 


“You are what you eat”. It's true.  But, you are also more than just what you eat.  Let us help you work on your whole self, and how you chow will keep getting easier.  

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